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How to Start a

Fund with TPF

The Prosperity Foundation (TPF) was founded on the BOLD idea to create a comprehensive public charity, community foundation that exclusively focuses on supporting Black people and communities in Connecticut. TPF leverages existing philanthropic tools such as donor-advised funds and giving circles to bring Black people together to address issues that uniquely affect our communities. We encourage you to start a fund with TPF to support initiatives and programs relevant to our community.

Figure Out Your Fund Goal

Determine what or who you want to support. Do you want to support a local non-profit? Raise money for an educational program or scholarship fund? Or, make a gift for TPF to determine its management and distribution? There are so many options for you to choose from! (Click the green button on the left-hand side of the screen to learn about different types of funds).


Submit an Inquiry to Start a Fund

Now that you've identified the basics of your potential fund, it's time to submit an inquiry on our website. (Click the orange button on the left-hand side of the screen and scroll down until you see the form titled "Start a Fund").


Have a Consultation with a TPF Team Member

After you submit your form, we will reach out to you to set up a meeting with a TPF Team Member and discuss more details about your fund inquiry. In a 1-hour consultation, we will discuss fund types, gift options, your liabilities, and how TPF can support and manage your fund.


Establish the Fund

After all details have been discussed and agreed upon, TPF will create a link to your fund on our Donate page. 


To create healthy thriving Black communities throughout the State of Connecticut.

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1287 Chapel Street

New Haven, CT 06511

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